Running Hall of Fame

George Nicholas
Year Inducted: 2007
As a runner, George Nicholas was the most prolific winner to ever come from Dayton, Ohio.
High School
1981 graduate Dayton Meadowdale High School
State of Ohio OHSAA Cross Country champion in his sophomore, junior, and senior years
Never lost a high school cross country race
Established a record at every cource he raced while in high school
City champion in the mile and two mile on the track
Twice represented the United States in the prestigious I.A.A.F. World Championship
College Cross Country and Track for the University of North Carolina Atlantic Coast Conference Cross Country and 10K track champion Placed 3rd in the NCAA 5000 meter Twice represented the United States in the I.A.A.F. World Championship
George is recently married and is a practicing attorney in Chapel Hill, NC.